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Sunday 3 March 2013

Lovely Lemon drizzle cake

Lemon Drizzle Cake one of my favourites!


125g caster sugar
75g butter
150g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
3 tbsp full fat milk
zest and juice of 1 lemon

for the drizzle
zest and juice of 1 large lemon
2 tbsp of Granulated sugar

Heat oven to 180C. Grease and line a 1lb loaf tin with baking paper

Beat the sugar and butter together with a hand held mixer for 5-6 mins until very light and fluffy add the rest of the ingredients, mixing all the time until well combined

Pour into loaf tin and bake for 35-40 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Whilst the cake is baking make the drizzle by mixing the ingredients together. As soon as you remove the cake from the oven, make some small holes all over the surface using the skewer, then pour over the drizzle and leave to cool slightly before removing from tin. Then just try not to eat it all at once!

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